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QISON 2021-12-20 14:38:55 行业方案 1169 ℃





相关技术装备及水质法规正在不断完善。此外水处理量也在不断增加。随着法规的不断完善和水处理能力的增加,需要采取相应的补充措施,特别是在污水处理厂分散地段。污水处理厂占地面积较大而有很多建筑。越多的数据被集中记录,越要减少开车维护的工作从而确保所有现场仪表的正常运行以及整个现场总线系统中控制室的集中控制。现场仪表和控制被分散在污水处理厂。FOUNDATION 现场总线,PROFIBUS及HART技术解决了集中控制的问题。对饮用水和废水处理厂进行升级改造时很可能采用现场总线技术。

Pepperl+Fuchs – 在危险的工业领域“保护您的工业过程”

在废水处理设备上可选用Pepperl+Fuchs 多种PROFIBUS , FOUNDATION FIELDBUS 和 HART产品。这样一来,I/O隔离器和本安隔离栅可适用于各种过程变量的测量,如:压力,差压,温度,流量,物位,阀位,远程I/O,以及更多。


Sewage sludge in waste water treatment
Sewage sludge in waste water treatment

Methane is a by-product of recovered sewage sludge in waste water treatment. Methane is highly flammable, toxic if inhaled or consumed, and can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly. Methane is odorless, while other resulting gases associated with the treatment of raw sewage are highly explosive, such as hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide produces an overpowering odor.  Pepperl+Fuchs has a wide range of intrinsically safe solutions for explosive gases. 



  • Flexibility
    Pepperl+Fuchs has several technology solutions for waste water facilities that range from point-to-point and multiplexed HART and Fieldbus solutions. Today, thanks to the Field Barrier, you can directly connect up to 12 PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION fieldbus-H1 field devices or a Segment Protector in Division 2 hazardous areas. Each FieldBarrier has 4 IS connections and can be cascaded together with up to 4 FieldBarriers. The four outputs of the FieldBarrier deliver 40 mA and thus allow the connection of many more intrinsically safe field devices. The need for live work on the passive wiring of trunk and fieldbus distribution modules is extremely unlikely; these can be installed using the explosion proof method.

  • Reduced costs- freedom of choice
    Interface products provides a complete solution for water filtration systems that connect your instruments to a controller. FieldConnex has the right connection for you. Spur lines are connected to the trunk through Segment Protectors and FieldBarriers. FieldConnex enables you to design a topology to optimally satisfy your specific application for hazardous or nonhazardous protection. In all configurations, the High Power Trunk concept is a new approach to solving hazardous as well as general-purpose area fieldbus applications. The High Power Trunk does not limit the energy on the fieldbus trunk cable; rather, the energy on the spur connection to the instrument is limited. The Advanced Diagnostic Module (ADM) monitors the segment health and evaluates the communication signal from host to field instrument. This reduces commissioning time and long-term monitoring. This topology is compatible with FOUNDATION Fieldbus and Profibus thus giving you the flexibility to choose whatever technology makes sense.

Water Treatment facilities monitor and control miles of distributed instrumentation and processes. Many pieces of equipment are supplied from different vendors. Typically they are skid mounted with different technologies. You can now seamlessly integrate this hardware into your system with the best technology products. Pepperl+Fuchs’ protection functionalities help to ensure efficient plant operation with high availability over many years of operation. We don’t require you to fit our equipment technology; our equipment fits to your plant technology.





Safety in waste water treatment facilities

Safety in wastewater treatment facilities
Safety in wastewater treatment facilities

In addition to specific process areas of a waste water treatment facility where a wide range of intrinsically safe solutions are required, the water filtration equipment and the entire waste water treatment plant itself must be monitored to protect against corrosive, dusty, dirty, and explosive atmospheres, in addition to lightning protection and purge suppression. Pepperl+Fuchs has a wide range of protection methods that will keep the waste water treatment plant safe and operating effectively.

Lightning and surge protection
Sewage treatment plants are especially exposed to the risks of atmospherical discharges and lightning strike. In addition, lightning strike, static electricity and power surges can spread very easily due to the great expanses of networks and multiple grounds that exist in the sewage treatment plant.

There are two phenomena that can occur in the typical industrial sewage treatment plant that are induced by lightning, large electrical equipment, and welding equipment: lightning strike and power surges.

A lightning protection system consists of external protection, and internal lightning protection. External lightning protection minimizes fire risk by lightning strike and the realization of the Lightning Protection Zones Concept helps to optimize the availability of the installation to a maximum level. 

A part of the lightning current flows directly to grounding via the earth-termination system.  The other part flows via the external supply lines of the sewage treatment plant and could damage the installation. These external supply lines must be furnished with lightning current capable surge protective devices (SPDs). Surge arresters reliably protect the terminal equipment in the waste water treatment facility against conducted transient voltage.

Instrumentation in designated areas of the water treatment plant is susceptible to lightning strike or surge. To protect this equipment, water treatment plants install advanced controls using a DCS or PLC system. Damage to the water treatment equipment may result in draining polluted water into the local watersheds, rivers or lakes.  Pepperl+Fuchs offers signal conditioning applications that provide isolation and prevent ground loops, thus protecting the water treatment plant.

Intrinsic safety
Intrinsic safety is used where explosive gases like methane CH4 can collect. Our H-System and K-System isolators together with our RPI Remote I/O System provide the solution. The digestion area of a waste water treatment facility is where microscopic bacteria digest the sludge and break it down into methane gas. These digesters produce so much methane and carbon dioxide CO2, that it can actually be used to provide heat to the digester tank and operate electric generators or motor vehicles. 

Raw sewage, corrosive chemicals, and sludge in a waste water treatment facility can damage industrial instrumentation and equipment. Pepperl+Fuchs offers Enviro-Line pressurization systems (10E-WGS Series). This will purge panels, cabinets, and other equipment from corrosive, dusty, dirty, atmospheres.

Monitoring of oil, petrol, and gasoline separators

Monitoring of oil, petrol, and gasoline separators
Monitoring of oil, petrol, and gasoline separators

Using oil separators and oil water separators to protect groundwater sources from oil, gasoline and petrol pollution is crucial. Water, especially groundwater sources used for drinking water and other human use, is a valuable resource that must be protected from pollution. Car repair shops, airport runways and industrial applications can produce oily water runoff that has the potential to cause groundwater contamination.
Oil separators and oil water separators prevent the discharge of these hazardous substances into the environment, thus preventing groundwater contamination.
Oil separators and oil water separators must comply with the requirements specified by the European Standard EN 858-1:2002. However, the installation of an oil separator alone does not fully protect groundwater sources. In order to ensure the reliable functioning of the oil water separation system, the installation has to be checked regularly and routinely monitored and verified. Without these safety and maintenance checks, environmental damage and the resulting risk of liability cannot be prevented.
Close monitoring of oil separators and oil water separators is provided with an electronic alarm system, featuring an early-warning mechanism that is able to recognize critical operating conditions of the separator early enough to prevent any discharge of pollutants into the environment.
In areas where no persons are present and where supply voltages are available, an alarm release system, operated via a GSM mobile network, can offer 24/7 protection.
The requirements for electronic alarm systems for oil separators are also specified in the European Standard EN 858-1:2002. It includes specific requirements involving an “installation that releases an alarm when excessively high light liquid or high/low sewage levels” are detected.
